In an exit befitting his outspoken, controversial two years in Congress, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said that he only lost his re-election because his opponent cheated.
West lost narrowly to Democratic up-and-comer Patrick Murphy last month, but refused to concede for weeks, demanding a recount of ballots in St. Lucie County. Only after a re-tabulation slightly increased Murphy’s lead did West finally accept defeat just before Thanksgiving.
However, the Tea Party congressman appears to be handling the loss acrimoniously. Appearing on Mark Levin’s radio show last Thursday, West accused Murphy of only winning by breaking the rules. “I’m not going away just because of a congressional race where he seems to have to cheat to beat me,” said West. He did not specify precisely how Murphy supposedly cheated.
“Anyone who knows Allen West knows that he is not a bashful man. If he actually had evidence that his opponent won through fraudulent means, he would have presented it weeks ago and Fox News would run a piece every hour on the matter,” the report tells us. “That West has not shown any evidence gives a clear indication of how truthful his accusation is.”
That’s a very good point. West clearly has no evidence of any cheating at all, but his monumental ego dictates that he can’t possibly have lost fair and square.
And that’s all the evidence the lunatic Allen West needs.