A strong majority of gun owners and non gun owners support stronger restrictions on firearms, according to a national survey conducted by Johns Hopkins University.
A sizable 89 percent of all respondents, and 75 percent of those identified as NRA members, support universal background checks for gun sales. Similar surveys by Pew Research Center and Gallup have also found background checks to be by far the most popular gun control proposal in the aftermath the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.
The results of Johns Hopkins survey, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, indicate broad support for a variety of gun control measures. About 70 percent of respondents supported bans on military-style semiautomatic weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines, slightly less than the more than 80 percent who backed measures restricting those who could buy guns, such as people with histories of domestic violence or serious juvenile crimes.
President Barack Obama has pushed for these measures through executive orders and calls for congressional action in the wake of the December 14 shooting. The gun policy survey, conducted this month, polled about 2,700 respondents across the country.
When you’re talking about percentages of 70%-90% in a poll, the people in the minority can safely be called cranks. Americans so want to reform our insanely loose gun laws and any politician or pundit who says otherwise is just plain lying.