While I was out sick, Harry Reid completely fucked up filibuster reform. You probably already know that, but I needed to swear about it. Some day democracy will come to the US Senate. I hope it's in my lifetime.
If you thought the Republican War on Women couldn't possibly get any more demented, you're going to be in for an unpleasant surprise. New Mexico state Rep. Cathrynn Brown wants to make it illegal for rape victims to abort -- using the idiotic rationalization that they'd be "tampering with evidence." So, abort your rape-baby and go to jail. Because Jesus.
But wait, now Brown's saying her bill would only apply to the doctors who perform the abortions, so it's OK. I guess rape victims will be able to get magical wish abortions or something. I'm not sure she actually understands where her little idea goes off the rails here.
Is that a slow-motion GOP coup attempt we're seeing? Yes. Yes it is. The enemies of democracy are the enemies of freedom. No free country is a sham democracy, only nations like Iran.
This strikes me as very odd. Sister to Pat Buchanan, former Romney aide, and frequent TV talking head Bay Buchanan is quitting punditry and "began taking online real estate classes" after Romney's "brutal" defeat by Barack Obama. Not saying I'll miss her any. Just saying it's weird, is all.
What is it about the Daily Caller's Neil Munro and immigration? The same guy who heckled President Obama at an immigration address heckled Chuck Schumer at one today. And the guy's an immigrant himself, although he obviously hates all the other immigrants. I say give the guy his fondest wish, deport his sorry ass, and give his propaganda-spinning job to an actual American. At the very least, the DC should fire him. He's completely incapable of professionalism.
The occasion for Munro's little heckler's tantrum was a bipartisan deal on immigration reform. While it's not the ideal by any means, Markos Moulitsas calls it "surprisingly good," while Michelle Malkin's having a fullblown strident nativist meltdown over it, so that tells you a lot right there. Greg Sargent takes a look and, yeah, Republicans didn't get much out of this one -- other than the opportunity to avoid committing political suicide in the form of partisan purity, that is.
Imagine my (complete lack of) surprise when I learned that the homophobic National Organization for Marriage was a bunch of liars. What Would Jesus Do?
The answer to that "WWJD?" question seems to be align himself with white supremacists and freak out over guns, if the religious right is any indication.
Finally, the Boy Scouts of America may finally join the modern world and drop their ban on gays. The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer is taking the news about as well as you'd suspect.
[cartoon via McClatchy Newspapers]