Texas Congressman accuses Barack Obama of using kids like ‘Saddam Hussein’ to promote gun control
A Texas Congressman who has threatened to file to impeach U.S. President Barack Obama for his gun control plan has compared the president to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Republican Congressman Steve Stockman had already called the president’s signing of 23 executive orders “illegal” and his gun control proposals an “existential threat” to the U.S.
Stockman made the comparison to Hussein on Fox News after Obama was flanked by young children as he announced new gun control measures one month after 20 children were brutally murdered in the Newtown, Conn. school shooting.
“Even using children, it kind of reminds me of Saddam Hussein when he used kids …” Stockman said, before the Fox News host did him a favour by cutting him off.
“That’s a little bit of a stretch,” host Greta Van Susteren said. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
How soon they forget…
Washington Post, 2006:
President Bush issued the first veto of his five-year-old administration yesterday, rejecting Congress’s bid to lift funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research and underscoring his party’s split on an emotional issue in this fall’s elections.
At a White House ceremony where he was joined by children produced from what he called “adopted” frozen embryos, Bush said taxpayers should not support research on surplus embryos at fertility clinics, even if they offer possible medical breakthroughs and are slated for disposal.
The vetoed bill “would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others,” the president said, as babies cooed and cried behind him. “It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.” Each child on the stage, he said, “began his or her life as a frozen embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization but remained unused after the fertility treatments were complete… . These boys and girls are not spare parts.”
As always, it’s only OK when a Republican does it.