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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

MD Police Chief cites fake story to support continued marijuana prohibition

California Cheeseburger by qpwo1029
ThinkProgress: Testifying against bills that would legalize or decriminalize marijuana, the police chief for Annapolis, Md., cited a fake news story that reported 37 people died on the first day Colorado’s recreational marijuana law went into effect.

“The first day of legalization, that’s when Colorado experienced 37 deaths that day from overdose on marijuana,” Annapolis Police Chief Michael Pristoop said Tuesday at a committee hearing, according to the Capital Gazette. “I remember the first day it was decriminalized there were 37 deaths.”

Maryland Sen. Jamie Raskin (D) immediately corrected Pristoop and pointed out that he seemed to be citing a fake story by the satirical news site, The Daily Currant, the Gazette reported.

“Unless you have some other source for this, I’m afraid I’ve got to spoil the party here,” Raskin said.

But Pristoop wasn’t ready to back down, saying, “If it was a misquote, then I’ll stand behind the mistake. But I’m holding on to information I was provided.”

He later conceded to the Gazette that he had made a mistake, saying, “I’m guilty of being a human being. I tried really hard to present verified facts.” He nonetheless stood by his position that kids aren’t fully informed about how dangerous marijuana is, and it should therefore remain illegal.
Of course, it's pretty much impossible to overdose on marijuana -- as evidenced by the fact that no one ever has. In terms of danger from overdose, this makes weed literally safer than water.

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