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Friday, February 14, 2014

Republican Govs Assn’s answer to WI Joe Doe probe document dump: ‘Squirrel!’

Mary Burke

Looks like someone’s nervous.
Associated Press: The Republican Governors Association plans to launch a six-figure ad buy next week attacking Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke on the same day that thousands of emails from a felon who worked for Gov. Scott Walker are released.

The ad is the first television salvo in the re-election race for Walker, a national conservative star who is eyeing a 2016 presidential run. The RGA was a strong backer of Walker both in the 2010 campaign and his 2012 recall, spending a combined $14.4 million in those races, based on estimates by the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

The new ad, to air statewide on cable and broadcast networks starting Wednesday, will “remind and inform voters that Mary Burke was a senior official in the failed Jim Doyle administration,” RGA spokesman Jon Thompson said Thursday.
What’s important to remember here is that no one actually knows what’s in these emails. So the fact that Republicans are so eager to change the subject immediately is a pretty danged good indication that they know Walker has something to hide — and to worry about.

Walker is a vulnerable governor. Although the latest polling out of Marquette University showed Walker in the lead 47%-41%, the fact that the incumbent could only garner a plurality and not a majority means that Team Walker most likely did not receive the numbers as good news.

Throwing an insane amount of money at an ad buy to change the subject from something so far unknown to MARY BURKE IS AWFUL!! shows just how fragile Republicans believe Walker’s already slim lead to be. They’re almost as afraid of Burke as they are of Walker’s simmering scandal.

[photo via]

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