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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Griper Blade: You Don't Think What You Think You Think

You see it all the time on blogs and message boards. If a story about global warming is posted, some right wing moron comes by and tells you that you're a communist who's hyping a climate scare to destroy capitalism. If it's about evolution, someone leaves a comment that you hate Jesus. If it's antiwar, then you love terrorists.

Is there a more stupid and pointless lie than misrepresenting your position to you? I mean, what the hell's the point? You know what you think and you know why you think it -- does anyone really think they can fool you into believing otherwise?

The answer, according to an analysis by Jennifer Loven for the Associated Press, looks like yes. In fact, someone out there makes a habit of lying to you about what you think and that someone is George W. Bush.

Confronted with strong opposition to his Iraq policies, President Bush decides to interpret public opinion his own way. Actually, he says, people agree with him.

Democrats view the November elections that gave them control of Congress as a mandate to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq. They're backed by evidence; election exit poll surveys by The Associated Press and television networks found 55 percent saying the U.S. should withdraw some or all of its troops from Iraq.

The president says Democrats have it all wrong: the public doesn't want the troops pulled out - they want to give the military more support in its mission.

Look, there's spin and then there's laughable BS -- this is the latter. I don't know if it's meant to keep those last supporters of the war onboard or what, but it's hard to see too many people falling for it...


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