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Monday, July 23, 2007

Griper Blade: The All New War on Terror -- Now With 90% More 'Helpfulness!'

Rockey Vaccarella and George W. Bush

I've written before how the Bush administration seems to believe that every problem is solved by public relations. When Bush was getting flack for the response to Hurricane Katrina, he rigged a PR stunt that was stunning in its total contempt for people still recovering from the storm and for everyone's intelligence. The fact that it was also unbelievably cruel was just bonus, I suppose.

The White House hooked up with a guy named Rockey Vaccarella to pull off a hoax. Vaccarella took a FEMA trailer up to Washington for what everyone assumed would be a protest. Rockey had set up a myspace page that sounded one hell of a lot like he was going to give Bush an earful -- or, as he put it, to "deliver a simple yet powerful message." "We want to thank President Bush and the American people for everything they have done so far for south Louisiana and the Gulf Coast region," he wrote on his page, "But, to remind everyone that the job is not complete and to please do whatever is possible to help clean-up and re-build so our people can return home."

People from the region left comments on his page, expressing their frustration. "When you make it there kick Bush in the ass one good time for taking so long," read one. "Go Rockey! Good luck and I'm glad someone is doing something about our parish!!!! Thanks!!" read another.

These people could be excused for thinking they'd found their Cindy Sheehan. Vaccarella's plan was to demand a dinner with the president to deliver his message. To everyone's surprise, he got it. He and Bush stood together for the cameras while Vaccarella thanked Bush for all the good work he'd done in the area. The White House has the transcript of Rockey's 'protest.' mission was very simple. I wanted to thank President Bush for the millions of FEMA trailers that were brought down there. They gave roofs over people's head. People had the chance to have baths, air condition. We have TV, we have toiletry, we have things that are necessities that we can live upon.

But now, I wanted to remind the President that the job's not done, and he knows that. And I just don't want the government and President Bush to forget about us. And I just wish the President could have another term in Washington...


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