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Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 7/26/07

Totally hammered...

-It's the long-range planning that pays off-
Since I reported that right wing nutjob Alan Keyes has started a draft Alan Keyes for president movement back In June, there's been about as much progress on that front as you'd expect. Keyes is gearing up for his triumphant entry into the race and, judging by reports, he should be just about ready by, oh, the year 6707.

It turns out that Keyes has gotten 1100 people to sign his 'please save us Alan!" petition and the report tells us that 'at this rate, it'll take Keyes nearly 4700 years to generate enough support to match the 62 million votes President Bush garnered in 2004.' As I said the last time, "I'd feel sorry for him, but he's such a dick." (Right Wing Watch)

-Rocket fuel-
USA Today's blog, On Deadline, reports that NASA has allowed astronauts to 'fly while intoxicated on two occasions.' Citing an Aviation Week & Space Technology source, the report says that 'a government panel found evidence to suggest "heavy use of alcohol" by astronauts during the 12-hour period before launches.'

Look, what would it take for you to climb into a huge glider strapped onto the side of a rocket that delivers a kajillion tons of TNT's worth of thrust and get shot out into space? Yeah, I thought so... (USA Today)

-Headline of the day-
"Prison visitors face new ban on revealing lingerie." 'Arousing undergarments' have been banned in Tennessee prisons. According to Correction Commissioner George Little, prisoners 'don't need any help getting turned on.' I suppose not, but the fact remains that someone must have a fetish for those orange jumpsuits. (The Tennessean)

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