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Monday, October 08, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 10/8/07

Bill O'Reilly
Professional asshole
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-Quote of the day-
"You could make a lot of money bloviating, like I do," Bill O'Reilly, in an interview with former White House press secretary Tony Snow.

Actually, the interview's a goldmine of QotDs; "You can combine 'how I deal with cancer' with 'how I deal with the White House Press Corps,' because they're both insidious, invasive...they both have to be wiped out." "You put little microbes and David Gregory's face on the cover [of Snow's book]--it's huge! This is a high-concept deal I'm giving you, man!" "But you can't go over to CNN. It's the devil over there...You're a religious guy. You can't go into to the pagan throne over there."

It's official, Blowhard Bill can't talk for ten minutes without being a complete asshole... (Raw Story)

Friday, I posted this, about MSNBC host Chris Matthews complaining that the White House had tried to influence the content of his show; "'They will not silence me!' Matthews declared on Hardball's 10th anniversary show. Dude, the vacuum of space couldn't silence you. Try knocking it back a couple of thousand decibels for a change."

That was untrue. Matthews had his moment of journalistic integrity at the 10th anniversary party, not on the air (where it might've done some good). The fact that he's a big enough loudmouth to be heard in space is, however, true. (Griper News)

-Headline of the day-
"Fox News: Global Warming's Indisputable Effects Mean Oil Is More Accessible." I'm not sure if this is a case of just plain not getting it or putting the best spin on it they can -- although I suppose there's no reason it couldn't be both. File under "Typical FOX News Bullshit." (Think Progress)

-See how these things can happen?-
A bus carrying an inquest jury looking into the death of Princess Diana crashed in Paris. According to the report, "the bus driver was apparently trying to out-manoeuvre paparazzi outside the Ritz." No one was hurt, but several witnesses were taken to the hospital to be tested for exposure to dangerous levels of irony. (Daily Mail)

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