Associated Press:
While still insisting he is not running for president, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg signaled his seriousness about a possible independent campaign by meeting with the ballot access expert and campaign manager for H. Ross Perot's third-party presidential bid.
Bloomberg's latest trip outside New York -- one of a growing number he has taken while building his national profile in recent months -- was to continue Saturday in California where he planned to appear in Los Angeles with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Bloomberg met privately Friday with Clay Mulford, who is well-versed in third-party ballot access and served as campaign manager for Perot, according to an individual close to the mayor. The Texas businessman sought the presidency in 1992 and 1996.
Party ops on both sides are looking at Michael Bloomberg with a certain amount of uneasiness. Democrats remember how Ralph Nader hurt them, while Republicans remember how Perot may have helped bring about Bill Clinton's presidency.
As a third party candidate, Bloomberg would be more Ross Perot than Ralph Nader. See, Mike's got a gazillion dollars and some worry that he's going to try to buy the presidency. I'd argue that so is Mitt Romney and, so far, it's not working. You may be able to buy your way into the top tier, but that doesn't guarantee a win...