Rudy Giuliani, noted asshole
-Rudy the dick-
It was a summer day in 1997 when then-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani sat in front of the microphone for his radio program on WABC-AM. Things were going great, he was on top of the world, when a caller spoiled it all by complaining "about a red-light sting run by the police near the Bronx Zoo." Being tough on crime, Rudy was unmoved by chauffeur James Schillaci's complaint.
So Schillaci went to The Daily News, where a front page article pointing out the location of the sting ran with the headline "GOTCHA!" Rudy's sting was stung and everyone knew to watch out at the intersection. Giuliani didn't like this so much and someone would have to pay...
According to the report, police showed up a Schillaci's place and arrested him. "They slapped on handcuffs and took him to court on a 13-year-old traffic warrant. A judge threw out the charge. A police spokeswoman later read Mr. Schillaci's decades-old criminal rap sheet to a reporter for The Daily News, a move of questionable legality because the state restricts how such information is released. She said, falsely, that he had been convicted of sodomy."
What a petty, vindictive little prick Rudy Giuliani is. There's no way this would've solved Giuliani's problem -- it could only punish the guy. Given the way he treated Schillaci, it's Giuliani who should be convicted of sodomy. Good thing he'll never be president or he'd likely sodomize the whole damned country. (NYT, via MoJo Blog)
-Well, that didn't take long-
Kansas nutjob cult leader Fred Phelps, of Westboro Baptist Church, has announced plans to picket recently deceased celebrity Heath Ledger's funeral. "Ledger thought it was great fun defying God Almighty and His plan word," says Phelps. "Ledger is now in Hell, and has begin serving his eternal sentence there."
See, Phelps hates gays with all his little heart and Ledger played a gay man in Brokeback Mountain. Seems to me that the Almighty would know the difference between fiction and reality, but there ya go.
Asked for comment, the entire world offered the opinion that Phelps should just fuck off. (PR-Inside.com)
-Headline of the day-
"Did UFOs Make Holes in Ice?"
Three holes in an Iowa pond fuel fevered speculation. Proof positive that rural Iowa is one helluva boring place in the dead of winter... (NBC News)