Rudy dares voters to criticize his campaign
-Florida twilight-
If the Florida primaries don't go his way, one GOP contender may be done. "Rudy Giuliani, with his political life hanging in the balance here, hinted broadly Monday that he could end his presidential bid as soon as Wednesday," the report reads.
Asked by reporters on his campaign jet if a Florida loss would finish him, Rudy responded, "When it's Wednesday morning, we will make a decision. The reality is that voting hasn't even started yet. I believe we are going to win."
Giuliani's strategy of waiting until the Florida primary to fully compete would be brilliant and visionary if it worked. However, like so many things that seem brilliant and visionary, the whole thing looked OK until they actually tried it -- then everything went all to hell and it just looked like something a dumbass would come up with.
Assuming Rudy holds out after an almost certain thrid or fourth in Florida, he'll face a primary in New York on Super Tuesday that he's very likely to lose. Losing NY would be a public humiliation, so the smart money's on America's Mayor dropping out tomorrow.
Oh, who will remind us of 9/11 every four and a half seconds now? (NY Daily News)
-They ain't got his back-
According to the report, "Americans United for Change, a progressive group led with a wink and nod by able activist Brad Woodhouse, has been distributing commemorative 'I Am a Bush Republican' buttons in Washington." The idea was that Republicans would proudly wear these buttons as they attended the State of the Union address last night.
"Your votes helped build his legacy," a message with the buttons read, "You should show your support for him by proudly declaring that you're a Bush Republican."
Remember how, when the cameras panned the audience, there were hundreds of "'I Am a Bush Republican" buttons on GOPer lapels?
Yeah, me neither.
AUFC has the video. (The Nation)
-Headline of the day-
"Why do Liberals hate Bush?"
Dumb question. The same reasons everyone else does. Freepers are always the last to know... (Free Republic, via reddit)