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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Griper Blade: The Wisest Choice

Obama appears at the Kohl Center in Madison, WI
Full disclosure, straight up front -- I voted Obama in Wisconsin's Democratic Primary yesterday. I didn't faint in the voting booth, I wasn't brainwashed into a cult by inspiring speeches -- I did something crazy like look at reality.

For example, it turns out that John McCain is freakin' insane. Not only is he cool with staying in Iraq for up to a million years, but I can't think of a time when he voted against any sort of military action. As a potential president, John McCain is basically George W. Bush without the mangled english. In other words, someone who has no business anywhere near "the nuclear football" and someone who's absolutely guaranteed to make lousy foreign policy decisions.

So, if I really don't want to ever say "President McCain," I need to look at the numbers. And the numbers show me that Obama's the guy for the job. The latest USA Today/Gallup poll shows Clinton losing to McCain -- albeit barely -- 48% to 49%. Obama, on the other hand, beats him easily, 50% to 46%...


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