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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Griper Blade: The Other Election Campaign

First, there was Hillary Clinton's win in W. Virginia. That didn't last long, big headlines-wise. Barack Obama knocked her off the front page yesterday by accepting the endorsement of former Democratic opponent John Edwards. "There is one man who knows and understands that this is a time for bold leadership," Edwards told an enthusiastic crowd. "There is one man that knows how to create the change, the lasting change, that you have to build from the ground up. There is one man who knows in his heart that it is time to create one America, not two. And that man is Barack Obama."

It was a series of events that sucked up all the election newsroom oxygen. They were high profile, fraught with consequence, history unfolding before our eyes. Of course, history is always unfolding before our eyes. It's like the weather -- you're not going to wake up one morning to find that there won't be be any that day. History is the human word we apply to the linear nature of time. The clock always ticks, just as there's always something happening in the atmosphere.

And our big national election news has overshadowed a story that marks a remarkable change in the electoral weather. That same tuesday that gave Clinton W. Virginia gave Republicans a reason to worry. It marked a string of three losses in special elections for the House of Representatives. Losses in heavily conservative districts...


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