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Friday, June 27, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 6/27/08

man in toilet stall, man in baby costume
Pictured l. to r.; Larry Craig, David Vitter

-Not the best guys for the job-
In a move intended to remind the base that they should remain totally freaked out, Congressional Republicans have moved to reintroduce the Federal Marriage Amendment -- an almost certainly doomed from the get-go effort to insert language into the Constitution that defines marriage as a "union of a man and a woman."

They could've picked better poster boys for the effort, though. Co-signers of the resolution include men's room gay sex enthusiast Larry Craig and diaper fetishism prostitute client David Vitter.

Sometimes, I wonder if Republicans are trying to lose. (Right Wing Watch)

-Headline of the day-
"After Trying To Steal Credit For Webb’s GI Bill, McCain Skips The Vote And Instead Chows Down On Chili In Ohio."

For months, John McCain joined Bush is opposing an update to the G.I. Bill, saying that it would provide an incentive for personnel to leave the military and go to college. Yeah, that's about as good an argument as it seems to be.

This position turned out to be a real loser, so McCain did what he always does when faced with public disapproval -- he switched sides. In fact, he tried to make it seem like the bill was his idea.

However, when the day came to vote for the bill that McCain said offered "vastly improved educational benefit," Baghdad Johnny was nowhere to be found. He was in Cincinnati, holding a "town hall meeting" and eating lunch at Skyline Chili. The bill passed 92-6, with the only other Senator not present being Ted Kennedy, still out with a brain tumor.

Of course, this is nothing new. McCain hasn't actually been a Senator lately, preferring his new job as a presidential candidate. John hasn't voted on anything since April and has missed 367 votes this session.

You know, it's this dedication to hard work that's got him so far ahead in the polls. (Think Progress)

North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles is dropping the letter combination WTF from it's license plates. For those of you who are using the internet for the very first time, this is a common abbreviation for the question, "What The Fuck?" It's generally used to signify confusion or frustration or to comment on the boneheadedness of an action. About 10,000 vehicle owners have been notified that their plates will be replaced.

Unfortunately, the DMV forgot to check the sample plate on their website, which featured the plate number WTF-5505.

Seriously guys, WTF? (OhMyGov!)

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