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Friday, July 11, 2008

On Climate, EPA Punts

clipped from

The Bush administration on Friday rejected regulating greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, saying it would cause too many job losses.

In a 588-page federal notice, the Environmental Protection made no finding on whether global warming poses a threat to people's health, reversing an earlier conclusion at the insistence of the White House and officially kicking any decision on a solution to the next president and Congress.

The White House on Thursday rejected EPA's conclusion three weeks earlier that the 1970 Clean Air Act "can be both workable and effective for addressing global climate change." Instead, EPA said Friday that law is "ill-suited" for dealing with climate change.

In a major setback to the administration, the Supreme Court ruled last year that the government has authority under the Clean Act to regulate greenhouse gases as a pollutant. Bush has consistently opposed that option.

So, rather than comply with the SCOTUS ruling, the Bush administration effectively shuts down enforcement of the Clean Air Act. And, in doing so, dismisses the EPA's own study.

Pigheaded, corrupt, and stupid to the very last day of his presidency. That'll be how history remembers George W. Bush

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