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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Griper Blade: A Campaign Adrift

Yesterday at Politico, Hillary Clinton's former campaign strategist Mark Penn told us all that Barack Obama has the edge over John McCain on the economy. You hope this wasn't the sort of insight Hillary was paying the big bucks for, since you can turn on CNN and get the same information for free. Breaking news this is not.

In fact, Penn's piece isn't exactly correct, since he argues that it's the stock market and its ripples through the economy that have lifted Obama's poll numbers. But the fact is that McCain's numbers began to fall before Wall Street went all to crap. It was the the downward trajectory of a post-convention bounce for McCain and the slow revelation that Sarah Palin could be outsmarted by a baked potato that began Obama's rise, not the ongoing events of last week and now this week. Worries over the economy haven't hurt, but they're not the cause...


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