Triumph of technology that John McCain has never heard of
-Can someone get Mr. Foreign Policy Expert a map?-
John McCain, at a self-hosted economic forum, warned of the importance of "ensuring that America is secure, and not dependent on oil from people like Hugo Chavez or other parts of the Middle East which is, we know, could be destabilized under certain sets of circumstances." That's right, Venezuela is part of the middle east.
You know, if that's the case, I think I must live somewhere around Moscow. I'm way north and a little east of Venezuela. I'm not sure where McCain's forum is being held, but if he's still in Washington I think that puts him in northern China. If he's home in Arizona, that's what, France?
Dang, this is confusing. What'ya say we just stick to the old geography, John? (Politico, with video)
-Headline of the day-
"Palin gives only 'silence' when asked to name a SCOTUS decision besides Roe v. Wade."
After five long minutes, offers "Dracula vs. the Wolfman?" (Think Progress)
-And a head cold is caused by gnome living in your nose-
The religious right is wasting no time in blaming economic troubles on abortion and gay marriage. No, seriously.
Wingnut Tony Perkins blames a "breakdown in the family." Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel says, "Companies that promoted anti-family policies have learned the hard way that such policies are bankrupt. K-Mart learned its lesson several years ago. Washington Mutual and Wachovia, both of which actively promoted the homosexual agenda, have come to realize that anti-family policies will bankrupt the bottom line." Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta, tells us, "When God gets a hold of Americans' money -- whatever messes with our money gets people's attention, but we need enough heartache that drives us to God."
We put God on our damned money, how much more does this guy want? (Right Wing Watch)