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Monday, February 23, 2009

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 2/23/09

Miniature outhouse in front of American flag
Architect's model for GWB Library

-Headline of the day-
"Web pages mocking Bush rank higher than his library site in online search results."

Poor George. He's having no luck driving people to, where you can learn all about the efforts to get his presidential library open, so historians can be denied all his presidential papers. It's also home to the George W. Bush Presidential Center and the George W. Bush Foundation, which is dedicated to continuing to follow through on all George's great ideas.

The problem is that if you run "Bush Library" through Google, result #1 is predictably Daddy Bush, not The Shrub. Dubya's site doesn't come up until page two.

According to the report, "The guy who’s beating him: his own dad. Even pages mocking the former president rank higher."

Danny Sullivan, editor in chief of Search Engine Land, said the low ranking means that fundraising efforts for the library are "probably failing."

Yeah, sure. That's why the George W. Bush Foundation, home of all of George's great ideas, can't raise money. It's the only explanation. (Think Progress)

-Bonus HotD-
"Oscars turn into homosex-fest."

Wow, I don't remember a lot of gay sex, but then again, I didn't watch the whole thing. According to the report, "The Oscar winner for best original screenplay used his acceptance speech as a pro-homosexual soapbox tonight, promoting same-sex marriage and federal equal rights for 'gays' and lesbians." Why the quotes around "gays," but not "lesbians?" I suppose because they're real or something. "Gays" are more like "leprechauns."

I wonder what the site's founder -- noted homosexual Joseph Farah -- thinks of all this? (WorldNetDaily)

-It's headline day-
"Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise."

Barack Obama has announced that he'll ban four accounting tricks Bush and his team of BS artists used to hide the exploding deficit.


In doing so, Obama exposes the ugly truth and adds $2.7 trillion to the deficit over the next decade.


According to the report, these accounting gimmicks have "long been a staple of federal budgets, giving rise to phrases like 'rosy scenario' and 'magic asterisks.'" And maybe "bullshit numbers."

Look at it this way; under Obama, things are exactly as bad as they seem to be. Under Bush, they were worse than they seemed to be. I'll take reality any day of the week, but I guess that's because I'm not a Republican. (New York Times)

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