Probably not an oratory style you want to emulate
-Headline of the Day-
"Screeching Lunatic Running For Office Somewhere."
Meet Phil Davidson, who wants the Republican nomination for Stark County Treasurer in Ohio. Beyond that, who even cares? Just check out this video:
You know what really sells it for me? All the applause at the end. "Wow, you're completely psychotic! Finally, a real Republican..."
Here's a handy tip for any would-be inspiring orators out there: if you're nervous about public speaking, try a Xanax. Taking methamphetamine is really just going in the wrong direction. (Wonkette)
-Cartoon time with Mark Fiore-
Hey kids, you ever hear of this "free market" thing? No? Well, Uncle Mark's here to explain it for us. Yay!
Click for animation
So... I guess it's this thing that grownups use to get really, really dumb. Like drugs. Don't do drugs, kids. (
-Bonus HotD-
"Study: Flamboyant male dancing attracts women best."
So the key to having a successful reproductive strategy is to dance really, really gay. The argument for intelligent design just died. (Raw Story)