2010 GOP platform
-Headline of the Day-
"Univision Will Not Air GOP Group's Ad Telling Latinos Not To Vote."
Why is a GOP group urging Latinos not to vote? Well, according to the ad, it's because Democrats suck. But, as I reported earlier today, only 22% of Hispanic voters are backing the Republican party. Convincing them to vote GOP is just a hopeless endeavor... Maybe they can just tell them to stay home.
So, Latinos for Reform -- a GOP front group -- announced it had dropped $80,000 for an ad buy on the Spanish-language network Univision. Here's the English-language version:
That story lasted a little more than an hour. Think Progress reported on the ad buy at 2:04 Eastern and the deal was dead by 3:21.
"Univision will not be running any spots from Latinos for Reform related to voting," a Univision spokesperson told TP. "It is also important to clarify that while Mr. Robert de Posada has on occasion provided political commentary on Univision, representing one of various points of views, he is not in any way affiliated with Univision. Univision prides itself on promoting civic engagement and our extensive national campaigns encourage Hispanics to vote."
In my morning post, I wrote about how afraid Sharron Angle seemed of the Latino vote. Looks like everyone on the right has their undies in a twist over the demographic. When your party platform includes "FOR GOD'S SAKE, BE AFRAID OF THE BROWN PEOPLE!!" you really only have yourselves to blame. (Think Progress)
-Closing the deal-
A new St. Norbert College/Wisconsin Public Radio poll shows Russ Feingold and gazillionaire plastics magnate Ron Johnson in a statistical tie in the Wisconsin race for the US Senate. Ron Johnson, the tea party nutjob trying to buy the seat, leads 49% to Russ' 47% -- well within the margin of error. When pressed, undecided voters -- who make up only 4% of the respondents -- say they're leaning Feingold 15% to Johnson's 9%.
That last number is important, because the decided voters say their minds are set -- 81% say it's "very unlikely" they'll change their preference before election day. So Feingold's lead among undecided leaners could be the key to winning or losing this thing.
It's like I say, it only takes one punch to win the fight, as long as it's the last one. What else can I say, but RUSS!! (WisPolitics.com)
-Bonus HotD-
"Palin Endorses Raese In Pennsylvania -- But He's From West Virginia."
Republican John Raese for Senate -- because stupid people need representation too. (Talking Points Memo)