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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/19/11

Drinking coffee. Life is good. Now here's the news...

Remember when filibustering a judicial nominee was the worst thing ever? So five minutes ago...


Another "wave election" coming? A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that only 28% of voters think most members of Congress deserve reelection, "tying the low point in the trend set last year."

"The anti-incumbent mood that led to sweeping changes in Congress after the 2010 elections persists, and the accompanying change in House leadership has not fundamentally altered the way Americans view Congress," Gallup reports. "Thus, incumbents remain vulnerable heading into the 2012 election cycle, though perhaps not quite as vulnerable as in 2010, given that voters are now more inclined to say their own member deserves re-election."

It's a long time until election day.


President Obama calls for Israel to return to their 1967 borders and give a Palestinian state some breathing room. Needless to say, this was the worst thing ever.

Chuck Grassley is a prick.

California Republican congress critter Devin Nunes thinks another recession -- or even depression -- is something that "could benefit us."

In related news, there is no reality that the determined conservative mind can't dismiss: Dana Milbank introduces us to the "default deniers."

Speaking of deniers, yet another GOP moron tries to tell townhall-goers that oil subsidies do not exist.

A brief moment of rightwing talk radio goodness. Newt to Limbaugh: "And by the way, it was not a reference to Paul Ryan. There was no reference to Paul Ryan in that answer." Limbaugh to Newt: "Well then what did you apologize to him about?" Logic was then taken out and shot.

Tim Pawlenty was an awful Governor of Minnesota.

Finally, be prepared for the zombie apocalypse.

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