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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/24/11

Having pancakes for dinner -- again. It's been too hot to use the oven, so I'm stuck with two choices; find some way to use sourdough starter when I feed it or throw a cup of the stuff down the drain. Waste not, want not, so bring on the sourdough pancake brinner. Now here's the news...

Apparently, Boehner and Obama are back at the negotiating table. It's not exactly good news, however, since ABC News reports that any deal would likely "face strong opposition for House Republicans opposed to increasing taxes and Democrats opposes to entitlement cuts."

ThinkProgress looks at the way the right jumped on the "IT'S MUSLIMS!" train in the Norwegian terrorist attacks. Not surprisingly, they all look even stupider than normal. Breitbart's idiocy shines out especially brightly for me.

Things get worse for possibly unstable Oregon Democratic Rep. David Wu, with allegations of sexual assault.

It's Wedding Day in New York. Congratulations.

Norwegian police are investigating a possible second gunman in the terrorist attack.

Is America in danger of a Norway-type attack? We've got the same kind of nuts, so judge for yourself -- Exhibit A.

Finally, RedState's and CNN's Erick Erickson declares Jews to be extremely likely to become terrorists. It wasn't the argument he was trying to make, but Erick-Erick's a ridiculous boob and his logic is always flawed, so you wind up with collateral damage. Seriously, this guy is just awful at spin.
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