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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 7/17/07

Typical german bus passenger

-Weapons of mass distraction-
A female passenger was nearly thrown off a bus in Landau, Germany for distracting the driver. The passenger, identified only as Debora C., said the problem wasn't anything she was doing, but what the driver was doing.

"Suddenly he stopped the bus, opened the door and snorted, 'Your cleavage is distracting me when I look in the mirror. I can't concentrate on the road. If you don't sit somewhere else, I'm going to have to throw you off the bus,'" she told the newspaper Bild.

Already embarrassed by being made a public spectacle, Debora changed seats. "He humiliated me in front of the whole bus and made me look like a slut," she told the paper.

The bus company had a different take on it. "The bus driver is allowed to do that and he did the right thing," a spokesman for the company said. "A bus driver cannot be distracted, because it's a danger to the safety of all the passengers." An alternate view on it might be that the driver's a complete incompetent who's way too easily distracted, but that would be the sane take on things.

Just one more reason to wield your breast power responsibly, ladies. You could force some drooling moron to cause a flaming wreck. (Deutsche Welle)

-Tell us what you really think-
Quotes from an article by Johann Hari titled, "Neocons on a Cruise: What Conservatives Say When They Think We Aren't Listening," about a cruise sponsored by the right wing National Review:

The Muslims are breeding. Soon, they'll have the whole of Europe.

Of course, we need to execute some of these people... A few of these prominent liberals who are trying to demoralise the country. Just take a couple of these anti-war people off to the gas chamber for treason to show, if you try to bring down America at a time of war, that's what you'll get. Then things'll change.

You must live near the UN building. They should suicide-bomb that place.

The liberals don't believe in the constitution. They don't believe in what the founders wanted - a strong executive.

(On the cruise's filipino waiters) They all look the same! Can you tell them apart?

Couldn't they just do experiments on Muslim stem-cells?

Wow, they're just as stupid as you'd imagine. These aren't speakers, these are just the regular passengers who'd signed up to listen to the speakers. One guy says he's the head of an organization called 'Canadians Against Suicide Bombing' -- which makes you wonder if he thinks there are any canadians for it (he answers yes). Seriously, you've got to wonder how these people stay alive without keepers. (Alternet)

-Hero of the day-
Annoying comic Andy Dick was corrected with extreme prejudice by fellow comedian Jon Lovitz over a comment about Lovitz's friend and SNL alumn Phil Hartman, who was murdered by his wife in 1998. Turns out Hartman's wife was trying to stay sober when Dick gave her cocaine at a Christmas party in '97 -- the well-named Dick knew she was on the wagon. He's since bragged about putting the 'Phil Hartman hex' on people and had repeated the 'joke' that night at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles.

According to the club owner, "Jon picked Andy up by the head and smashed him into the bar four or five times, and blood started pouring out of his nose." Someone can catch Michael Richards going fullblown racist onstage, but no one got any cell phone video of this? It's freakin' L.A., for chrissake -- who doesn't have a cell? Called for comment, Lovitz later told a reporter, "All the comedians are glad I did it because this guy is an asshole."

Fearing some sort of jihad on unfunny and annoying comedians, Paulie Shore has reportedly gone into hiding. (NY Post)

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