When marketing gurus go insane...
-Moron... Er, More on Mayor Jim Naugle-
Robot toilet enthusiast and Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle continues to be a fine hybrid of crazy-assed homophobe and complete asshole. After getting into trouble with local gays over a series of offensive statements, Naugle announced that he'd call a press conference to apologize.
The problem is that Jim Naugle, as I said, is a fine hybrid of crazy-assed homophobe and complete asshole. At his big public apology press conference, Naugle apologized to children and parents because "the so-called gay sex problem was even worse than he thought."
"Not surprisingly," CNN reports, "a coalition of national gay and lesbian rights groups has taken offense, calling the mayor insensitive at best, homophobic at worst...

"...Flush Naugle signs and t-shirts are everywhere." And, after you've flushed Naugle, don't forget to wipe your Nauglehole. (Raw Story)
-Quote of the day-
"We're not going to do more crap. We're not going to do more titillating [stories], Hollywood-movie reviews and jokes. We're going to do less of that," Shepard Smith, FOX News.
Kind of implies that FOX does crap now, doesn't it? (Think Progress)
-Marketing 101: What not to do-
The only reason I can see for this is pure evil. Otherwise, it's completely senseless. Johnson & Johnson is suing the Red Cross over the use of --- wait for it -- a red cross logo. J&J has asked the court to force the Red Cross to have "all licensed products with the red-cross emblem destroyed and to permanently enjoin all sales of products bearing the emblem on first-aid, safety-preparedness and related products."
Red Cross CEO Mark Everson calls the suit "bizarre" and "obscene." "Boneheaded," "stupid," and "the worst PR move in the history of marketing" are all implied. (BrandweekNRX, via reddit)