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Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 6/26/08

John Cornyn in apron, grilling
If this Senator gig falls through, John Cornyn will have to go back to his old job at Bessie's Chicken and Ribs

-Yeah, there's a reason for that-
In a prime example of the problems Republicans face this year, Texas Senator John Cornyn is in the fight of his political life. Once seen as unassailable, Cornyn's in a statistical dead heat with Democratic challenger Rick Noriega. Cornyn holds a slight lead -- 38% - 36% -- but the margin for error in the poll is 4.5%. This is, for all intents and purposes, a tie.

While the report cites the fact that "70% of Texans believe the country is on the wrong track" as a possible reason, I think this is the real reason:

Seriously, this may be the stupidest damned ad I've ever seen. The rhymes are awful, the rhythm's pretty much theoretical -- you kind of get the idea that Cornyn wrote it himself. And, at two minutes, thirty seconds, it's practically an infomercial. Most ads are thirty seconds -- some are just 15. I'd hate to think what it's costing "Big John" to run this crap, but it's got to be a bundle.

One thing's for sure, John Cornyn's not a fiscal conservative. If someone asked me to pay an insane amount of money for this crap, I'd laugh them out of my office. Ironically, there's about a 50/50 chance that this ad will get Cornyn laughed out of office. (Political Wire)

-Headline of the day-
"Under debate plan, Obama loses height advantage."

Just days ago, I brought up the "taller candidate" theory as an example of electoral folklore. According to the report, "Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama would sit at a table at two of three presidential debates this fall" and this would "neutralize Obama’s height advantage."

The Commission on Presidential Debates proposed the set-up, which is described as "less formal" and a "conversational talk-show format." Neither campaign has accepted or rejected the proposal as of yet, but Barack Obama is said to be considering wearing a t-shirt that reads, "I'm with Shorty." (McClatchy)

-Mitt Romney's a dumbass-
But you already knew that. However, I have proof. In an interview with CNN's John Roberts on American Morning, the former GOP prez contender showed what an empty suit he really is. Team McCain has been trying to paint Obama as liberal only, with no interest in bipartisanship. Romney took up the broad brush and got right to work painting himself into a corner with it. Roberts' relays it thusly:

This morning, Romney faithfully repeated that charge. When I pointed out that Obama reached across party lines to work with Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, on a non-proliferation measure, and with Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Oregon, on increasing gas mileage requirements, Romney shot back, saying that “Actually, on both cases, you’re talking about two liberal positions, non-proliferation as well as the gasoline mileage."

"It struck me as odd," Roberts writes. Actually, it should strike him as stupid. Maybe, in some right wing world far removed from the one in which we live, gas mileage is a "liberal issue" -- but nuclear non-proliferation? Is Romney trying to say that McCain's cool with Iran getting nukes? Because McCain hasn't been saying that lately. He's kind of been saying the opposite.

Asked about it, Sen. Lugar's press secretary told Roberts, "National security is not liberal. At all." Of course, that's just what you'd expect him to say, being a lying commie and all.

Mitt Romney, ladies and gentleman, a real Mormon without the second "M." When this guy lost, we totally dodged a bullet. (CNN)

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