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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/23/11

More new Walking Dead tonight. Gotta get my zombie fix. Now here's the news...

Flailing former frontrunner Rick Perry decides that the road to the White House runs through flirtation with the lunacy of birtherism.

More mass arrests of Occupy Chicago protesters.

Recovering gunshot victim Rep. Gabrielle Giffords appears to be gearing up for reelection.

A 7.3 earthquake in Turkey may have left somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000 dead.

Hillary Clinton calls out Mitt Romney for his criticism of the way the Obama administration has ended the Iraq War.

At least one Tea Party congress critter understands that he represents the 99%.

Polling confirms the tag "do-nothing congress" has stuck.

Finally, Herman Cain is a Washington outsider in the same way that I'm a tree sloth. For the record, I'm not a tree sloth.
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